106th Defenders Conduct Active-Shooter Exercises with the Wing Published Sept. 12, 2012 By 106th Rescue Wing Public Affairs 106th Rescue Wing September 12, 2012 -- On August 04 and 05, 2012, here at Francis S. Gabreski AB, West Hampton, New York, the 106th Security Forces Squadron conducted several active-shooter-response-exercise scenarios. This exercise was the first to have two scenarios at the same time, one on active shooter response, and another on bomb threat reaction procedures. It was designed to test 106th Rescue Wing airmen's, and the defender's, ability to react to the threats all airmen face in today's environment, said Master Sgt. Eric J. Fosse and Staff Sgt. Rudolf W. Lonk, defenders with the 106th Security Forces Squadron. Master Sgt. Fosse, who is also the NCOIC of the Active Shooter Cadre: "We are offering installation-wide training to all unit members, as well as disseminating the new Air Force Active Shooter guidance for Security Forces members." Members of both the 106th Maintenance Group and the 106th Force Support Squadron were expected to immediately safeguard themselves and fellow members in the direct vicinity by initiating lockdown or escape procedures, and to communicate the threat to security forces. Chief Master Sgt. Randall D. Lamiroult, the 106th component repair branch chief said, "Historically, maintainers focused on fixing aircraft knowing that security forces had their backs, but with the changing times and the new threats we face, we all need to be sensors." It all began when the SFS facilitated a bomb threat exercise followed by an active shooter scenario. This was a follow-up review on the actions of military members regarding bomb threat and active shooter training this past June. The intent was to observe and report the actions of the occupants within the building when faced with a threat, said Fosse and Lonk. The exercise was initiated by the SFS training section, led by Tech. Sgt. Elex Garcia. The scenario consisted of a suspicious package and evolved into workplace violence as dictated by the script. As soon as the alarm was sounded, immediate actions were taken to safeguard the base populace, said MSgt Fosse and SSgt Lonk. Defenders responded to the active shooter event utilizing speed, surprise and aggression. The unit prides itself on realistic and relevant training, and will continue to conduct training until every Wing member and civilian employee is mentally and physically prepared to fight this modern day threat. Major Celestino J. Martinez, the 106th SFS commander, and the Wing's anti-terrorism officer said that, "it is the responsibility of all us to understand that an active-shooter incident, or a threat involving a bomb can happen anywhere, and we must prepare ourselves to be ready at all times. This training helps the airmen, and if passed on to their families, they too will know how to react to mitigate a very dynamic and dangerous situation wherever it might be."