Chaplain's Corner Published April 30, 2013 By LtCol Brian J McNamara 106th Rescue Wing FS GABRESKI ANG, NY - -- As we all know, the Air Force has its Core Values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, Excellence in All We Do. These Core Values are more than just minimum standards; indeed, these Core Values remind us of who we are and what it takes to get the mission accomplished. They inspire us to do our very best; they are the glue that binds us; they provide a compass to direct and measure our actions. Former Air Force Chief of Staff General Fogleman often emphasized that because we are entrusted with the security of the nation and because the tools of our trade involve lethal weapons, our standards in the Air Force must be higher than those of the society at large. Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch used to ask: "How am I doing?" We can ask ourselves: "How am I living out the Core Values?"