106th Rescue Wing Presents the Importance of Memorial Day to Syosset Elementary School Published June 5, 2014 By Master Sergeant Cheran Cambridge 106th Rescue Wing SYOSSET, New York -- May 23 106th Rescue Wing taught the Syosset Elementary School the importance and meaning of the US flag and Memorial Day. The presentation, to an audience of 500 plus students, began with SSgt Segreto speaking about the meaning of Memorial Day, included Air National Guard videos and ended with the meaning, folding and presentation of the US flag by the 106th Rescue Wing (RQW) honor guards to the retiring principal of Syosset Elementary School. Explaining the meaning of Memorial Day to the students was SSgt Segreto's main goal. "I was asked by the first grade teachers, to discuss the meaning of Memorial Day. The school has never had speaker to discuss patriotism and why military members volunteer to serve. So the presentation was designed to tell the history of Memorial Day, how to display the American flag and to showcase the 106th RQW and Air National Guard in terms that first through fifth graders can understand and relate to." SSgt Segreto explained SSgt Segreto, 106th Security Forces member and commercial pilot, also showed the student videos of members that were in the military that also had civilian jobs. Exposing the students to the missions of the Air National Guard was another one of the main points that the presenters wanted the student to take away. "Being that we have the dual mission of supporting the President of the United States and the Governor of New York City, it is good to go out into the communities in the state of New York and demonstrate our military traditions, "said Senior Airman Assad Pharr, 106th RQW Honor Guard. "The reason we do what we do is for the people here in the country and little kids mean a lot to everyone, they are the future," added Airman first class Michael Dancona, 106th RQW Honor Guard. At the end of the presentation, the 106th honor Guards ceremoniously folded the flag and presented it to Dr. Sharon S Goodman, principal of Syosset Elementary School. "Our school celebrates every national holiday and our young people have to know the meaning of freedom, what military members do and the sacrifices military members make so that we could enjoy the beautiful life we have in America," Goodman explained. "This is my 20th year here, I will be retiring in June and receiving the American flag today could not have been a better send off," Goodman added. "This is the 40th flag we have presented to a member of the community that supported the military. We appreciate Dr. Goodman and Syosset Elementary School for allowing us to come out here and show them what we do," Technical Sergeant Anthony Kirincic stated.